Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (AVC) is rich in minerals. There is a long history of it use in medicine dating back to 400 B.C., when Hippocrates used it to treat his patients. AVC is considered to be a potent remedy for illnesses and overall health.
Here are at a glance the top 10 health benefits:
The anti-inflammatory properties of apple cider vinegar work to help internal inflammation within the gastrointestinal tract when added to salads or taken diluted with water. It helps reduce bloating, belching and heartburns.
Aids with weight loss:
By regulating blood sugar levels, apple cider vinegar also assists in weight loss. Insulin will not direct sugar to be stored as fat
Clears skin:
Apple cider vinegar is astringent and is an antiseptic. It helps with acne and pimples.
Gets rid of dandruff:
The fungus Malassezia furfur, which causes dandruff, is eradicated by the antifungal properties of apple cider vinegar.
Helps with Arthritis:
Apple cider vinegar has potent anti-inflammatory properties and helps with pain of the joints.
Lowers glucose in diabetics:
Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which can slow down starch digestion. This will help lower glucose levels in the bloodstream.